The Optomap Retinal Examination is the only technology that lets your optometrist view nearly the entire surface of the back of the eye with ultra high resolution in one image. This technology makes obsolete the standard retinal photograph as it allows the optometrist to see an area 50 times larger with higher resolution. The images are taken quickly and painlessly with low powered laser scans and they can be viewed immediately. These images allow sight-threatening problems, such as retinal detachment and retinal tumours to be picked up much earlier than with standard examination techniques.
People of all ages can be examined from 3 years to 103 years of age.
The Optomap is used to locate and diagnose a large range of sight-threatening problems including ocular tumours, retinal tears, retinal detachments and retinoschisis (retinal cysts). It is also useful in diagnosing more common conditions such as choroidal naevi (birthmarks), effects of diabetes, high blood pressure and peripheral retinal degenerations.
With all eye problems, it is vital to pick them up early in their development. Modern treatments are more effective in controlling or curing eye problems the earlier in the disease process they are started.
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) allows the optometrist to view slices through the retina to locate problems such as macular edema (fluid within the retina), macular degeneration (the most common visually disabling problem of the older generation), diabetic eye disease and macular holes.The technology is also used in Optic Nerve Fibre Layer analysis mode to pick up early signs of Glaucoma and other optic nerve pathology. These conditions can be detected up to 2 years before more traditional techniques if an OCT examination is undertaken regularly.All images & data collected are stored safely & securely for comparison at future examinations. Some patients will need to have pupil dilating eye drops for some investigations.